Hours of operation?
7:00am to 6:00pm Monday to Friday.
The centre is closed public holidays and for one week over the Christmas and New Year break.
How are children grouped?
Engadine Early Learning Centre consists of two rooms:
- Nursery: 6 weeks – 24 months
- Toddlers 24 months – 36 months
- Pre-School: 36 months – School Age
Note: The ages in each room may vary, depending on the ages of children within the centre as well as individual development.
How many days can my child attend a week?
Engadine Early Learning Centre places a priority on full time and consecutive day positions however accept all combination of days. It is recommended that your child is booked in for a minimum of two days of care per week.
How much are your fees?
Fees are as follows (per day):
- 0 – 23 months: (Please Contact Us)
- 24 – 35 months: (Please Contact Us)
- 35 – 60 months: (Please Contact Us)
Is the centre CCS approved?
Yes, the Australian Government is committed to ensuring that Australian families are able to access affordable, flexible and high quality child care. The Government provides a number of subsidies and programs to help with the cost of child care, with the Child Care Subsidy being the main type of assistance that most families will use. It provides financial assistance towards the cost of your child’s care and it reduces the cost of your total childcare fees. Once approved, the government passes the child care subsidy directly onto your childcare service.
If you have not registered for the new child care subsidy or if you do not have a CRN you must contact the Department of Human Services/Centrelink on 13 61 50, or by visiting one of their offices.
What do fees include?
Engadine Early Learning Centre provides all meals. Which includes; breakfast, morning tea, hot lunch, afternoon tea and late snack.
Other inclusions:
- Nappies
- Wipes
- Sun hat
- Sunscreen
- Bed linen
Do I need to pack anything?
- Formula or breast-milk as required
- Water bottle for water
- Comforter for rest times (if suitable)
- Plenty of Spare clothes appropriate to daily weather forecasts
Tell me a little bit about your education programs?
Engadine Early Learning Centre’s educational programs are based on the Early Years Learning Framework, which focuses on Belonging, Being and Becoming. Our program is developed through children’s interests, strengths, family input, community links and intentional teaching. Each interest-based learning experience is planned to developmentally support and challenge the children within an environment that fosters each child’s self-worth.
Are extra-curricular activities provided?
Yes, we offer a variety of extracurricular activities, these rotate throughout the year and can include: ‘Jam N Jive Juniors’ and ‘Markey Sports’.
How do you staff the centre?
Engadine Early Learning Centre provides qualified staffing ratios in excess of government requirements.
How do parents and the centre communicate?
We use a secure web-based software as our main source of communication. It has an application for smart phones/iPad which makes it extremely easy and convenient to use as well as the option to use it via email.
How do I sign my child In & Out?
Our centres have adopted an eletronic sign-in and out method for the accuracy and safety of arrivals and departures. Parents (or the authorised adult) are required by law to note the time of arrival/departure of their child from the centre and to sign each entry.